- #Superfighters no flash full version
- #Superfighters no flash full
- #Superfighters no flash software
- #Superfighters no flash Offline
- #Superfighters no flash download
* Added a new "Drop-in order" setting to decide if drop-in players should use open slots only, open slots then replace bots, or replace bots then open slots. * You can now populate player slots with bots in the server software. * Player slot configuration is now saved between games. * Rolling can be performed immediately after hitting with a melee attack, but doing so will force you to roll for the remaining time of the attack animation.
#Superfighters no flash software
* Added a new tab in the server software to view and manage moderators. See Events.UserMessageCallback for more details. * Added function to register and listen for user chat messages in the ScriptAPI. * While testing a map in the editor, buttons can be pressed by clicking on them with the mouse. You can search for tiles by names, IDs and property values. * Added a search function in the map editor. You must roll to put out your fire permanently. * Sliding down ladders will put out fire rank 2 temporarily. (10% speed increase at fire rank 1, 20% at fire rank 2). * You now run slightly faster while burning. * A warning will be shown 10 seconds before you're automatically kicked if you're inactive if the server has auto-kick enabled. * The tab key can be used in the chat while playing online to cycle between team chat, all chat and last whispered user. * The game will automatically delete debris after a certain amount has been spawned. * Objects and players now flash red when taking damage. * Axe and Chainsaw deals extra damage to objects (not players). * C4 prime time reduced so it can be triggered slightly earlier. * Shooting and throwing objects through cover can no longer be done through large tiles. * Diving mechanic improvements and bug fixes. * Ledge grab mechanic improvements and bug fixes. * Showing the menu, scoreboard or the chat will now stop your character's movement. * Block and aim can now be bound to separate keys. * You can now bind separate keys for jumping and climbing and still be able to jump off ladders. * Rolls must now be performed for a short minimum duration before you can jump to cancel the roll. * Increased the minimum velocity required for any thrown/dropped items to register a hit. * It is no longer possible to start a grab directly after your melee weapon is destroyed. * The grab-hitbox around the legs have been removed while jumping to make it easier to jump over someone trying to grab. * You can only grab someone in front of you (no longer possible to grab someone slightly behind you). * You are now immune against melee attacks while recovery-rolling away from attackers.
#Superfighters no flash full
* You can now recovery roll when falling from some a small height (except if you got hit in the air, you got hit from a jump-attack, or you got knocked dowm from a full melee-combo). Vote must be passed before the map will load. * Map votes will now occur at the end of matches when it's time to change map. * Added blood stains on characters' faces when HP is low. * Improved player idle and running animations.

* Added the ability to select easy, normal, hard and expert bots in lobby player slots. * Added support to create and save up to 9 different fighter profiles. * Added text color property to DialogueTriggers. * Added menu option to open the language tool from the map editor. * You can now upload Language Packs from the Steam Workshop dialogue in the Map Editor. Now possible to filter out map editor and server software texts (which are optional to translate). * Extension Scripts can now be created in the map editor and be shared in the Steam workshop. Added new map editor menu item Steam -> Steam Workshop, which opens a dialog to upload your map to Steam.
#Superfighters no flash download
* Added ability to upload and download maps via Steam workshop. * Added (experimental) Steam Cloud sync for your game progress and character profiles. * New weapons: Chainsaw, shock baton, lead pipe, machine pistol, MP50, pump-action shotgun (dark version), baseball. * Several new customization items added, some of them not equippable (but may be unlockable in the future). * New Survival Map: The Last Stand (The Pit) Earning the gold medal unlocks one or more customization items! Consists of smaller challenges designed to be played alone offline. * Campaign mode added, with one campaign (for now): Prime Time in Sunny City! * Added support for XBox 360 controllers and DirectX 9 compatible input devices.
#Superfighters no flash Offline
4 local players supported for offline play. 2 local players supported for online play. It is not 100% complete, but lists the major changes from several closed beta updates.
#Superfighters no flash full version
This is a (pretty much) full change log from Beta 1.0.2c to the full version that was released on Steam (