
Pulpal obliteration
Pulpal obliteration

Teeth with pulp canal obliteration in need of root canal treatment pose particular diagnostic and treatment challenges.Routine pulp sensibility tests are unreliable in the presence of pulp canal obliteration.Up to 75% of teeth with pulp canal obliterations are symptom-free and require no treatment other than radiographic monitoring.Discolouration is a common clinical finding in teeth with pulp canal obliteration.A change in colour may mean that the tooth is still vital but if this persists it is likely to be non-vital. Pulpal obliteration was assessed by radiographic records. Root canal treatment of teeth with pulpal obliteration is often challenging. 10 Necrosis is the most common complication and an assessment is generally made based on the colour supplemented with radiograph monitoring. Aim To review the literature on pulp chamber and root canal obliteration in. In most instances, pulpal changes to some degree were observed. This procedure involves anesthetizing the animal, in this case a nonhuman primate, and placing it on a surgery table in dorsal recumbency. Pulpal obliteration was assessed by radiographic records. Although variations in techniques and chemicals used are described, the pulpectomy procedure, as outlined by Tomson et al. Up to 25% of traumatized anterior teeth can develop pulp canal obliteration Potential sequelae can involve pulpal necrosis, pulp obliteration and root resorption. Pulpectomies, on the other hand, refer to the total removal of the pulpal tissue. primary tooth, such as pulp canal obliteration, pathological root resorption, and pulp necrosis.6,7 Obliteration is a response of live pulp to dental trauma.This article discusses the various management approaches and highlights treatment strategies for overcoming potential complications. The inevitable lack of responses to normal sensibility tests and the crown discoloration add uncertainty to the management however, only approximately 7-27% of teeth with PCO will develop pulp necrosis with radiographic signs of periapical disease. Calcific metamorphosis is defined as a pulpal response to. These teeth provide an endodontic treatment challenge the critical management decision being whether to treat these teeth endodontically immediately upon detection of the pulpal obliteration or to wait until symptoms or signs of pulp and or periapical disease occur. Keywords: Calcificmetamorphosis,pulp canal obliteration,root canal treatment,trauma,DG-16.

pulpal obliteration

Approximately 4-24% of traumatized teeth develop varying degrees of pulpal obliteration that is characterized by the apparent loss of the pulp space radiographically and a yellow discoloration of the clinical crown. Summary Pulp canal obliteration (PCO) occurs commonly following traumatic injuries to teeth. Aim To review the literature on pulp chamber and root canal obliteration in anterior teeth and to establish a clear protocol for managing teeth with fine, tortuous canal systems. Pulp canal obliteration: an endodontic diagnosis and treatment challenge.

Pulpal obliteration